RGD Provided Mechanical, electrical plumbing, fire protection and information communication technology engineering services for Scion Health’s LTAC located in Orlando Fl. The Project is 6 stories, totaling 90,000 SF. Major program requirements include 88 acute care patient bead, imaging, two operating rooms, rehabilitation, physical therapy, a pharmacy and on site residence kitchen and dining facilities.

The Project’s HVAC system incudes a 600 ton chilled water plant which serves handling units dedicated for each floor. A separate dedicated air handling unit serves the operating suites delivering 46 degree supply air to he operating rooms and secure corridor spaces. A dual fuel 4.0M BTUH boiler plant is located in the adjacent parking structure and serves constant air volume terminals throughout the building maintaining precise temperature and humidity level as well and the critical air change rate required by AHCA.

RGD designed the medical has systems which includes oxygen, NO2, nitrogen, medical vacuum, and medical grade compressed air.

A 2.0 MGW on site power plant backs up all critical systems as required by AHCA. A 20,000 gallon number 2 fuel oil partitioned for separate boiler and generator fuels sources is located below round inside the parking structure.

Information communication technology engineering included design of voice/data CCTV, nurse call access control, nurse call systems, DAS and medical equipment integration.